Tuesday, February 19, 2013

January was a record month of snowy weather. I seriously want to move. I'm so ready for spring, flowers, warmth, sunshine, clean air, healthy students, healthy people in general! Luckily we were able to squeeze in a little fun in January:

Ryker and the baby boy gang got together for lunch and toy sharing 101:
I love getting these boys together! They are all almost exactly one month apart. So fun to see them grow up together! Pictured from oldest to youngest: Rhett, Ryker, Rydge (who was the only one who would actually hold still and smile!) and Grayson. Everyone had to have something in their mouth to keep them occupied.

And the darling mothers who chase these busy boys day after day. We're smiling because they are all holding still :)
My baby turned 10 months and somehow grew up over night on me. He is so busy right now. He crawls faster than a spider monkey, and stands up and walks around everything. He gets into every drawer, every cupboard, emptys out anything possible. I honestly put my dresser back together every morning. All 4 bottom drawers torn to pieces on the floor! And every morning I ask myself why I even bother to pick it up.. ahh.. such a cute boy!

Hope you are surviving the winter!