Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Catch Up

It has come to my attention that I am not updating my blog enough, thus making it not interesting to potential viewers. Poor marketing on my part. I love to get on other people's blogs on Sunday afternoon and get all caught up. I'll sum up our last few months quickly:
  • December was a fun month with family and the holidays. Right before Christmas Rick's sister graduated from BYU-Idaho, so we made the journey. Highlight: we forgot all our luggage for the weekend trip! I was not a happy camper. Christmas we spent at the Bear Lake Cabin with my family, and New Years in Brigham City with our ole pal Jay (back from PT school in Vegas).
  • Rick started a new job working for Great Dane of Utah (sound familiar.. it's the family business). He likes it so far, especially the new company car and the chance to have a 9-5 job without being stuck to an office. Learning lots about semi-trailers! Dislikes: that he has to leave me to travel :(
  • I'm still working away at my 1-2 grade split, nearing the end of the school year. Trying to decide what to do for a job next year? So many options... what we have learned?- choose wisely!
  • We have loved watching the Olympics and even became inspired to go ice skating this last weekend. We strapped up our laces and Rick took off at top speed; I cautiously slid about the ice. I honestly thought I knew everything about Rick after all these years, but that night I discovered he was in childhood ice skating classes, earning snowflake badges for each new trick he mastered. He even recognized the harnesss hanging from the ceiling to practice the jumps. I want picture proof of our little snowflake, so I'll ask Carolyn for that. What was a comical fun date night has turned into two days of soar leg muscles for Rick. Guess we're not as spry as when we were earning snowflake badges!

Rick is an uncle!

Rick's best friend Bridger's baby was born in December, making Rick an "uncle," as he likes to call himself. We love hanging out with Bridger, Natasha and little baby Lincoln. Rick is the best babysitter I've ever seen. The best part about Lincoln: he comes to visit and we play with him and have so much fun, and then he goes home to wake somebody else up in the middle of the night! This night he came over to watch the Olympics with us so Mommy and Daddy to could go to dinner. This cute guy is always welcome at our house.